Practicing Engineers Group
IES has been representing the engineering community through working groups and dialogues to give provide feedback and inputs comments to government bodies and industry stakeholders on engineering related matters on a regular basis.
IES has been representing the engineering community through working groups and dialogue sessions to provide feedback to government bodies and industry stakeholders.
IES would like to set up an Engineering Consulting interest group comprising of IES Members who are Professional Engineers and Consulting Engineers from all disciplines to represent IES on engineering-related matters. This interest group will serve as an internal knowledge pool as well as external representations from IES to Authorities/Agencies, other Trade Associations Chambers and Media.
We would like to invite interested IES Members who are practicing engineers in the area of C&S and/or M&E with consultant companies to be part of this Engineering Consulting Interest Group.
Should you be interested, please submit your name and particulars by completing the form below.
I consent to the processing by Institution of Engineers, Singapore and/ or its Supporting Organisation(s) of personal data, including sensitive personal data as defined in the Data Protection Act 2012, about me for the proper purposes of Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) and/ or its Supporting Organisation(s). I undertake to observe the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2012 in relation to any personal data I may myself hold and process as a Members of Institution of Engineers, Singapore, and I agree to indemnify Institution of Engineers, Singapore and/ or its Supporting Organisation(s) from liability for any claims or damages that may arise from the processing of this data. For more information kindly refer to: and/ or check directly with the Supporting Organisation(s).
Please note that your professional contribution, feedback and data shall be kept strictly confidential.
Thank you for your time and contribution.
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Contact Number
Membership Number
Company Name
Practicing Field of Engineering