2024 Manuscript Contest Entry Form
  • Only provide a pen name if the name you write under is different from the name you use regularly.
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  • Please check only one box. If you would like to submit the same entry into multiple categories, please submit separate entry forms with separate payments. In the event that you select multiple categories here, we will choose the first one alphabetically. (NOTE TO NONFICTION WRITERS: You may not submit the same manuscript into the general nonfiction category and the memoir category. If your entry is nonfiction, you must choose one category or the other.)
  • We recognize that not everyone is interested in receiving written feedback on their work, which is why you may elect to pay a lower entry fee for a “straight entry”. Straight entries are judged with all the other entries and have an equal chance at winning the contest, but they do not include a written critique. Please note that a $2 handling fee will be charged for all entries.
  • NOTE: Not sure where to find your member number? Log into www.writersleague.org and click on “my account". IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT FOR ANY REASON, LEAVE THIS BLANK AND WE WILL REACH OUT IF WE'RE UNABLE TO VERIFY YOUR MEMBERSHIP.
  • Please upload only one file. Acceptable file formats include .docx, .doc, or .pdf. The file should include both your synopsis and the opening pages of your manuscript. Please adhere to the following formatting instructions:

    1. Entries must be typed and double-spaced. Use 12 pt. Times New Roman or Courier with a 1-inch margin.
    2. The combined word count of your synopsis and manuscript must not exceed 2,750 words. (This includes titles, subtitles, and footnotes.)
    3. Your synopsis should appear on the first page, before the opening pages of the manuscript.
    4. At the top of the first page, please include the title of the manuscript in all caps (LIKE THIS).
    4. Name your file as follows: CATEGORY_TITLE.doc.
    (Example: Memoir_AngelasAshes.docx). Please do not use spaces or special characters (such as dashes, slashes, colons, apostrophes, or ampersands) in your file name, as in the example: AngelasAshes, not Angela's Ashes.
    5. Author’s full name may not appear anywhere in the document. (If you are writing a memoir, it's fine to use your real first name in the document as long as your last name is changed.)
    6. Page numbers are optional and will not impact judging. If you would like to include page numbers, please do so using a footer. Do not put ANY other text in the footer other than the page number.
  • In consideration of the acceptance of my work for entry and review in the Writers’ League of Texas 2024 Manuscript Contest, I hereby submit my fee for entry, and agree to be bound by the contest rules and understand them. I understand that any question regarding the interpretation of the contest rules and any matters relating to the contest that are not specifically covered by the contest rules will be decided upon solely at the discretion of the contest officials. I understand and agree that my manuscript will be subjectively evaluated. I hold harmless and indemnify the Writers’ League of Texas and its agents, employees, and volunteers for any and all losses, costs, and expenses incurred from any dispute arising from my participation in the Writers’ League of Texas 2024 Manuscript Contest. I acknowledge by checking this box that I have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the contest rules of the Writers’ League of Texas 2024 Manuscript Contest. I understand that my contest submission will not be accepted without checking this box, and that under no condition will my entry fee be refunded.