FAEMS™ 2025 - International
Fellowship of the Academy of EMS™

Note: Canadian physician members should utilize the physician-member criteria and FAEMS application.

We are pleased that you are interested in NAEMSP®'s FAEMS™ designation. Please answer the following questions noting response word limitations.

Upon completion and submission of this application, you will need to pay its fee by logging in to the NAEMSP members only area of the website. Further instructions will follow upon submission.

Please note that CV's do not qualify as supporting documentation and we request that they not be submitted in support of your application.
  • Word Limit: 20
  • Word Limit: 20
  • Word Limit: 100
  • Word Limit: 100
  • Word Limit: 300
  • Word Limit: 300
  • Word Limit: 300
  • By submitting this application, I attest that:

  • Personally-written letter of attestation verifying your medical director service on company letterhead.

    ‎[Letter can NOT be a repeat upload.]‎
  • Contributions to the Association (chapter or committee participation)

    [A letter of attestation by the chapter president or chapter executive director must be attached to this application.]

    ‎[Letter can NOT be a self-authored/signatured letter.]‎

    ‎[Letter can NOT be a repeat upload.]‎
  • Contributions the Specialty Practice (must be on appropriate organization letterhead)

    [A letter of attestation written by colleague on appropriate letterhead attached to this application must confirm your response in fulfilling at least one of the above criteria.]

    ‎[Letter can NOT be a self-authored/signatured letter.]‎

    ‎[Letter can NOT be a repeat upload.]‎
  • Contributions to Specialty Advancement and Development (on organization letterhead, or provide publication list)

    [A letter of attestation written by colleague on appropriate letterhead, or a cited publication list attached to this application must confirm your response in fulfilling at least one of the above criteria.]

    ‎[Letter can NOT be a self-authored/signatured letter.]‎

    ‎[Letter can NOT be a repeat upload.]‎

  • Section Break

    A description of the section goes here.