Application Counselor-In-Training II
Thank you for your interest in our CIT II (Counselor-in-Training) program! This exciting opportunity is designed for girls entering 11th and 12th grades to build upon and expand the leadership skills developed in CIT I.

To apply for the CIT II program, please:

Complete the enclosed application.
Participate in an interview.
Provide two reference forms completed by individuals who are not related to you.
Please send the reference link to 2 individuals who are not related to you.

This year, we’re introducing a new step in the application process. Each applicant is asked to submit a personal letter explaining why they would like to participate in the CIT II program. In your letter, please share your experiences working with others, working with children, and how you envision contributing to camp. This letter will give us insight into your skills and enthusiasm prior to your interview.

The Administrative and Leadership Staff are eager to review your application and are thrilled about the dynamic leadership opportunities our program offers at Camp Scherman. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at (949) 461-8844 or at

Please note that the completed application and reference forms must be submitted by April 20.
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  • List Troop number or write Juliette
  • List previous Leadership Training (including CIT I)

  • Camp location Leadership Training Level Completed Director /Supervisor Date
  • Previous experience as a camper:

  • Place Type: Day, Troop, Resident Year # of days/weeks
  • Cards-Certificates currently held (i.e. First Aid, Lifeguard Training, CPR, etc.)

    Please upload a photocopy of each
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    Two references must be submitted before you will be considered for the program. One can be from your troop adviser, or Girl Scout adult, and the other should come from someone who knows your abilities and character (i.e., past Girl Scout Leader, School Advisor, etc. - NOT a relative or Scherman staff.)

    I have given reference forms to the following people:
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  • Parent/Guardian name and contact information

  • Name
    Phone number
    Email address