Westmoreland Yough Trail Brick Fundraiser
Choose Your Brick
4" x 8" bricks can have up to 3 lines of text, 20 characters per line without clip art and 16 characters with clip art.
8” x 8” bricks can be personalized with up to 5 lines of text , 20 characters per line with or without logo.
Click to display or hide clip art.
Add $25 for clip art.
Add Mini Replica bricks to remember your donation $25 each.
1 Replica Brick
2 Replica Brick
3 Replica Brick
4 Replica Brick
5 Replica Brick
6 Replica Brick
7 Replica Brick
8 Replica Brick
9 Replica Brick
10 Replica Brick
Line 1:
Must be between 0 and 20 characters, currently: 0.
Line 1:
Must be between 0 and 16 characters, currently: 0.
Line 2:
Must be between 0 and 20 characters, currently: 0.
Line 2:
Must be between 0 and 16 characters, currently: 0.
Line 3:
Must be between 0 and 20 characters, currently: 0.
Line 3:
Must be between 0 and 16 characters, currently: 0.
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Must be between 0 and 20 characters, currently: 0.
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Must be between 0 and 20 characters, currently: 0.
Choose Your Clip Art
Please select
Bike Happy
Girl Walking Dog
Man Walking Dog
Heart 2
Air Force
Navy 1
Army 1
Coast Guard 1
Merchant Marines
Air Force Emblem 1
Navy Emblem 1
Navy Emblem 2
Army Emblem 1
Marines Emblem
National Guard Emblem
Eagle 1
Iwo Jima
Tree 1
Butterfly 6
Dog 1
Paw Prints 1
Cat 1
Heart Paw 1
Heart Paw 2
Airborne 1
Airborne 2
Green Beret
American Flag 1
Air National Guard
Army National Guard
Coast Guard Auxiliary
Civil Air Patrol
United States
American Flag 2
Masonic G 1
Knights of Columbus
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Ladies Auxiliary. VFW
Sons Of The VFW
Lions Club
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
4" x 8" bricks can have up to 3 lines of text, 20 characters per line without clip art and 16 characters with clip art.
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