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My child is in the OLYMPICS!
El Oro Way Elementary is holding their very first Olympics day showcase, powered by the YMCA. This is during the students PE class held on campus on 11/16/17 Thursday.
Not only will the students get to compete with their peers towards their athletic goals, they will have fun and learn in the process.
What's the plan?
The students will have different events they will participate in. They will have a way of tracking their progress through each event.
The real excitement comes when they are able to tell others of their accomplishments. They are encouraged to raise funds through family members and friends for meeting or exceeding their goals (NOT STRANGERS!).
For every $5 raised by a student, they will receive a raffle ticket to win a BIKE! Fundraising perks also tba.
Fill in the info below to get started in making a donation towards a student goal!
Student I want to support:
Student I want to support: (if applicable)
Student I want to support: (if applicable)
My name:
My Email:
(This is to thank you for your support and donation. We do not share your info with any outside parties.)
This child was most excited to share with me about this particular Olympics experience (optional, we're just curious!):
I would like to contribute towards this student's goal:
You will be directed to PAYPAL to enter a credit card or log in to a PayPal account if you have one.