MAY DAY HAITIAN FLAG DAY Registration Information
Please enter your automobile/vendor information here
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  • Terms (Car Truck Bike Rim Sound)
    Pre-Registration Fee: $15.00 Donation
    $50 Donation if received after May 10
    MODIFICATION OF THESE RULES: These Exhibition and Safety Rules may be modified, as deemed necessary by the judges in order to maintain the safety and integrity of the Exhibition.
    12. DISQUALIFICATION: At the discretion of B.O.S.S. Youth League Fund Inc or the judges, violation of any rules herein may be cause for disqualification for any prize, expulsion from current event and/or a ban on future events. EXHIBITOR RULES
    1. REGISTRATION: All entries must be registered at the show office by starting time. Starting time will be posted at the registration table. Registration card must be placed on the dashboard and visible to the judges. It is the entrant's responsibility to ensure that the registration card is visible and properly completed within two (2) hours of registration. Registration cards must include the full name of the entrant (nick names are not permitted). All winners will be required to present a Social Security Card (or the Social Security Card of a parent or legal guardian in the event the winner is a minor) prior to receiving prize. Providing false or inaccurate information will be grounds for disqualification and or forfeiture of prize money. Entries must be ready to be judged two (2) hours after being assigned a space at the show. Entries with turntables or exceptionally intricate displays may be given more time, in the discretion of the judges. Vehicles or bikes displayed in vendor booths are not eligible for competition.
    2. CLASSIFICATION: The judges will enter your vehicle's classification. See Section. If a vehicle is placed in the wrong class, it is the entrant's responsibility to notify a member of the Classic Car Show Staff. Questions or clarifications should be presented to the staff by 3 p.m. on day of show. All classification will be determined at judges' discretion based on modifications.
    3. OPERABILITY. All entries must be operable and complete. All entries must be able to start under their own power, meaning that an operable battery must be permanently positioned in the vehicle, the engine must be fueled by its own fixed fuel tank and transmission, shifted from the driver's position.

  • Booth space fees: FIRST 5 VENDORS TO SIGN UP ONLINE without electricity $50.00. AFTER THE 5th it is $75 per vendor. Payment is due with on-line application. Fee can be paid IN PERSON OR on-line at Application Deadline is MAY 10, 2019.
    Booth space is limited and available on a first come - first served basis. Vendor must PROVIDE THEIR OWN GENERATOR(PREFERABLY GAS), TABLE, TENT & CHAIRS. Vendors must provide their own heavy-duty extension cords.
    • All vendor location requests will be considered on a first come - first serve basis and honored whenever possible.
    • You must provide your own tent, tables, etc…
    • Please provide a detailed description of your booth items on the form (fill out/attach an additional sheet if necessary) and, if possible, attach photos of sample items.
    • Food Vendor: Due to logistics of food vendor set-up, you are asked to check in between 10am – 1:00 p.m.
    Due to safety issues, food vendors who arrive after 11 a.m., may forfeit pre-assigned booth location and be assigned an alternate location.
    • All other vendors must check-in between 10am -2p.m. Due to safety issues, arrivals after 2p.m., may forfeit pre-assigned booth location and be assigned an alternate location.
    • Vehicles will not be allowed in the festival area after 2 p.m. without permission of a festival official and all vehicles must be removed from festival grounds by 7:30p.m..
    • Booths must be completely set-up by 12 p.m. The festival requests that all vendor booths remain open until 6p.m.
    • Vendors will have from 5pm-6:30 p.m. to pack-up. All vendors must be off festival grounds by 7:30p.m.
    • To prevent accident or injury, any vendor wishing to leave early MUST notify a festival official.
    With permission, booths that can be packed-up and “walked-out” will be allowed to do so. No vehicles will be allowed on the festival grounds before 8a.m., without the permission and escort of a festival official.
    • The vendor is responsible for leaving the vendor area in the condition that it was originally received, i.e. removal of all debris such as boxes and trash.
    • Each applicant will receive a confirmation letter upon receipt of their application and directions will be sent prior to the event.
    • This event occurs rain or shine! Be prepared for wind, rain and/or heat/cold.
    • All vendor monetary exchanges are NONREFUNDABLE • All vendors are required to show proof of liability insurance and read and sign attached waiver.
    Please fill out vendor registration completely.
    • Absolutely no unattended vehicles may be left on the festival grounds the night before the festival.
    • Vendor Registration Forms must be return by May 10, 2019.

  • Waiver: Best Of Student Shooters B.O.S.S. Youth League Fund Inc B.O.S.S. Youth Fest reserves the right to refuse any vendor application, should this occur the fee will be refunded. The Vendor shall defend, save and hold harmless Best Of Student Shooters B.O.S.S. Youth League Fund Inc B.O.S.S. Youth Fest, their respective officers, agents, board members, staff, volunteers, sponsors and assigns from any claims, damages, losses, liability or expense which may arise, and shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage due to fire, accident, theft, weather, acts of God, vandalism or any other loss or injury
    whatsoever or not specifically described herein, whether past, present or future. Booths are not insured by Best Of Student Shooters B.O.S.S. Youth League Fund Inc B.O.S.S. Youth Fest or any sponsoring agents. Exhibitors must make provisions for safeguarding their goods. Exhibitor must have replacement cost insurance for all personal property. Exhibitor assumes full liability for protecting, care and maintenance of exhibitor’s property. ANY VENDOR
    Please sign to acknowledge that you have read all of the information, rules and
    regulations and agree to be bound by this contract.
  • YES NO
    JUDGING BEGINS AT 3:30PM (Contestants Only (Check)
    DISCLAIMER - Execution of this waiver releases Best Of Student Shooters B.O.S.S. Youth League Fund Inc, its students, falculty, staff, and Event Activity Sponsors and all affiliates from any claims or damages (known or unknown) to person or property.
    The contact information you give remains private and will only be used for notice of future shows or events. No glass bottles, alcohol (of any kind), or smoking will be allowed on any portion of the campus.
    Contestants are welcome to bring chairs or pop up tents. Be sure to inform the judges or staff before parking that you will need additional space.