ALM Coaches Agreement
  • We are excited to welcome you to our team of summer camp counselors! As a counselor, you play an integral role in creating a safe, fun, and memorable experience for our campers.

    To ensure that we are all on the same page and working together to provide the best possible experience for our campers, we have drafted the following contract agreement. Please review and sign below if you agree to the terms.

  • As a summer camp counselor, you will be Responsible and Committed for the safety, well-being, and enjoyment of our campers. You are expected to arrive on time, fully prepared and engaged, and to conduct yourself in a professional and respectful manner at all times. You will be required to participate in all activities and events, and to follow all camp policies and procedures.
    To ensure that we are all on the same page and working together to provide the best possible experience for our campers, we have drafted the following contract agreement.

  • You will be expected to work the agreed-upon schedule, which includes regular shifts and additional duties as needed. You will be compensated at the agreed-upon rate for all hours worked. Any changes to your schedule must be approved by the camp director in advance. You will be responsible for keeping track of your hours worked and submitting them to the camp office on a regular basis.

  • As a representative of our camp, you are expected to act with integrity, Professional and to maintain high ethical standards at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, dressing appropriately for camp activities, refraining from the use of alcohol and drugs during camp sessions, and avoiding behavior that could be considered discriminatory, harassing, or otherwise inappropriate, harmful or offensive to others. Any violations of these expectations may result in disciplinary action or termination of your employment.

  • You are expected to follow all health and safety guidelines set forth by the camp, including but not limited to proper handwashing, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary, and reporting any injuries or illnesses to your supervisor immediately. You are also responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of our campers at all times, including during activities and events.

  • As a camp counselor, you may have access to confidential and private information about campers and their families. It is your responsibility to maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of campers and their families. You should not disclose any personal or confidential information about campers or their families, unless it is necessary to ensure their safety and well-being.
    You will only share information on a need-to-know basis with other counselors or staff members. You are also expected to communicate effectively and professionally with campers, parents, and staff members, and to report any concerns or issues to your supervisor immediately

  • Clear communication and teamwork are essential for the success of our camp. You are expected to communicate effectively with campers, parents, fellow counselors, and camp directors. You should be willing to collaborate with other counselors, take direction from camp leadership, and provide support to your colleagues as needed.

  • You will be required to attend all training sessions and professional development opportunities provided by the camp. This includes, but is not limited to, orientation, CPR and first aid training, and ongoing professional development sessions.

  • This agreement may be terminated at any time by either party for any reason. If terminated by the camp, you will be expected to leave the premises immediately and return any camp property in your possession. If terminated by you, you are expected to provide a minimum of one weeks' notice to allow for adequate time to find a replacement.

  • Conclusion By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms outlined above. You understand the importance of your role as a camp counselor and the impact that you have on the lives of our campers. You are committed to providing a safe, fun, and memorable experience for all campers and to upholding the values and policies of our camp.

  • Thank you for your commitment to our camp and our campers. We look forward to a great summer season! - ALMSPORTS

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  • Where you will be working at