RT General Food Donation Form, updated 1-25
This form should only be used to enter information from General Food Donations.
If this is a donation from a Food Bank Partnership Food Donor, please use the Food Bank Partnership form.
Is this part of the Food Bank partnership?
Do not use this form for Western Mass Food Bank Donations.
Please use the dedicated Food Bank Partnership form to enter food donations for this program.
Is the Restaurant/Supermarket/Farm/ Other Food Donor a regular Rachel's Table Food Donor?
Store/Restaurant/Other Food Donor Name
Please select
Agawam Public Schools
Agri-Mark, Inc. Central Lab
Alex's Bagel Shop
Astarte Farm
Atkins Farms Country Market
Atlas Farm
Atlas Farm Store
Bardwell Farm
Bethany Assembly of God
Big Y Foods, Inc.
BJ's Warehouse Club
Book & Plow Farm
Boston Area Gleaners
Brookfield Farm
C & S (Hatfield)
C & S (Westfield)
Chicopee Provisions
Clarkdale Fruit Farms
Comfort Bagels
Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Cross Street Farm
Delaney Market
Dollar Tree
Donut Dip
E. Longmeadow Schools
Easy Pickens Orchard
Farmer's Markets
Hampton Farms
Inter Produce
J. Polep
JCC Early Learning Ctr
JCC Food Donation box
Jozev Food Products
Kelso Homestead Blueberries
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kitchen Garden Farm
Last Kraez, The
Longhorn Steakhouse
Longmeadow Public Schools
Lorraine's Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen
Marriott, Springfield
Meadowbrook Farm
MGM, Springfield
Mi Tierra Tortillas
MLK Charter School
Next Barn Over Farm
Nosh Restaurant
Old Friends Farm
Olive Garden Restaurant
Outback Steakhouse
Panera Bread
Peppa's Pizzeria
Performance Food Group
Pizza Hut/Taco Bell
Pride Station
Quontquont Farm
Rachel's Table
Red Rose Pizzeria
Rise Above
Riverland Farm
Salvation Army Rehab, Liberty St.
Springfield College Food Pantry
Springfield Rescue Mission
St. Andrews Church
Stone Soup Farm
Stony Hill Farm
Stop & Shop
Tandem Bagels
UMass Hillel Dining Services
W. Springfield Public Schools
Westfield State University
Yosi's Kosher Catering
Big Y Location
Please select
Longmeadow, 679 Bliss Road
Ludlow, 445 Center Street
Springfield, 300 Cooley Street
Delaney Market Location
Please select
Longmeadow, 696 Bliss Road
S. Hadley, 459 Granby Rd.
West Springfield, 334 Park St
Westfield, 587 E. Main St.
Wilbraham, 2030 Boston Rd.
Farmer's Market Location
Please select
Forest Park
Longmeadow, Bliss Road
Panera Bread Location
Please select
Chicopee, 601 Memorial Dr.
East Longmeadow, 450 N. Main St.
Springfield, 1179 E. Columbus Ave.
W. Springfield, 935 Riverdale St.
Pizza Hut/Taco Bell Location
Please select
Chicopee, 1471 Memorial Dr.
Springfield, 456 Sumner Ave.
West Springfield, 298 Memorial Ave.
Pride Location
Please select
Chicopee, 167 Chicopee St
Chicopee, 27 Montgomery
Chicopee, 363 Burnett Rd
E. Longmeadow, 13 N Main St.
E. Longmeadow, 618 N Main St.
Easthampton, 60 Union St.
Hadley, 25 Russell St.
Hadley, 445 Russell St.
Holyoke, 1553 Dwight St
Longmeadow, 1730 Longmeadow St.
Ludlow, 478 Center St.
Northampton, 375 King St.
Southwick, 198 College Highway
Springfield, 1110 Wilbraham Rd.
Springfield, 1225 Parker St.
Springfield, 700 State St
Springfield, 77 West St.
W. Springfield, 1247 Riverdale Street
W. Springfield, 757 Riverdale St.
Westfield, 234 East Main St.
Stop & Shop Location
Please select
East Longmeadow, North Main Street
Holyoke, 2265 Northampton St.
Holyoke, 28 Lincoln St.
Tandem Bagels Location
Please select
Florence, 1 N. Main St.
Northampton, 228 King St.
Food Donor Contact Name
Food Donor
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Source of Donation
Food Drives
Purchase (ie. ESSENtials, Kalicka Milk, Backpack Program, Snack Program, Lily's Fruit)
Purchase Program
Backpack Program
Kalicka Milk Program
Lily's Fruit
Snack Program
Donation Type (select all that apply)
Bread & Bakery
Dairy & Eggs
Prepared Foods
Non-perishables & Dry Goods
Meat & Protein
No Donation
Non-food items
Produce Type (select all that apply)
Mixed Greens
Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash (ie. Acorn)
Zucchini/Summer Squash
Other Produce (please enter produce variety)
Donation Description (please provide a brief description of the donation)
Weight Equivalencies
Heavy produce box = @50 lbs.
Light produce, bread, baked goods = @15 lbs.
Bag of bread, baked goods = @3 to 5 lbs.
Other boxes (not labelled) = @25 to 30 lbs.
Donor Valuation (Only fill in if food donor asks for receipt)
Is the meat frozen solid at pick up?
Is the meat frozen solid at delivery?
Dairy-Temperature at pickup.
Dairy-Temperature at delivery.
Email receipt to (Only fill in if food donor provides an email address)
Delivered to:
All Nations Church of God
Amherst Survival Center
Behavioral Health Network
Bowen Center, The
Boys & Girls Club of Chicopee
Care Center, The
Center for Self Reliance Food Pantries
CHD/Community Assessment Program
Christina's House
Community Survival Center
Dream Center
Educare, Springfield
First Baptist Church of Amherst
Franklin County Community Meals Program (FCCMP)
Gandara Family Resource
Gray House, The
Greenwich/Open Pantry Teen Living Program
Hairston House
HAP Housing (Wayfinders)
High St. Adult Medicine
Highland House
Home City
Jewish Family Service
Kate's Kitchen & Loreto House
La Voz/Tapestry Health, Springfield
Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen
Longmeadow Adult Center
Lorraine's Soup Kitchen and Pantry
Ludlow Veteran's Center
Macedonia Church of God in Christ
Main Street Shelter (VOC)
Manna Soup Kitchen
Massachusetts Military Support Foundation
Margaret's Pantry
Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center
Michael J. Dias Foundation
Northampton Survival Center
Not Bread Alone
Oasis Food Pantry
Open Pantry Emergency Food Program
Our Community Food Pantry
Our House-Domus
Parish Cupboard
Project Hope Pantry
Ronald McDonald House of Springfield
S.M.A.R.T. Food Pantry
Salvation Army Food Pantry, Greenfield
Salvation Army Food Pantry, Holyoke
Salvation Army Food Pantry, Springfield
Salvation Army Rehab, Liberty St
Samaritan Inn
Seniority House
Springfield Housing Authority
Springfield Rescue Mission
Square One
St. Johns Friends' Place
Stone Soup
TCM Food Pantry
TH-Harm Reduction, Greenfield
TH-Harm Reduction, Northampton
Thrive Center- HCC
Valley Opportunity Council
Victory Temple
Westfield Food Pantry
Worthington House (Friends of the Homeless)
YMCA Greenfield
YMCA Greenfield Camp
No donation today
Affiliate Agency (use if not listed above)
Community/Neighbor/Gleaner Take home (use for Gleaning only)
Affiliate Agency Name
Please select
Abundance Farm
Barnes Air Force Base
Bay Area Council
Becket Food Pantry
Belchertown Senior Center
Bethany Assembly of God
Chicopee Home School
Easthamptom Community Center
East Longmeadow Senior Center
Franklin Area Survival Center
Greenfield Community College Pop-up Food Pantry
Grow Food Northampton
Hartford (CT) Community/Neighbors
Holyoke Foodcorps
Holyoke Food Equity Collective
Independence House
Legacy Church- Ukranian families
Living Word Empowerment Ministries
Maurice A. Donahue School, Holyoke
MLK Charter School
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
On N On Childcare
Plantation Valley
Safe Haven- CSO
St. Vincent de Paul (Norwich, CT)
Summer Huse
Tubman - Bethel AME Church
Turners Falls Free Fridge/Finder's Collective
Twice as Smart
United Way- Pioneer Valley
Wilbraham Public Library Food Pantry
Unlisted Affiliate Agency
Unlisted Affiliate Agency Name
Community/Neighbor Group Name
Please select
Amherst community/neighbors
Becket neighbors/community
Belchertown community/neighbors
Chicopee community/neighbors
East Longmeadow community/neighbors
East Haddam community/neighbors
Florence community/neighbors
Greenfield community/neighbors
Guilford, VT community/neighbors
Holyoke community/neighbors
Lake Pleasant community/neighbors
Leeds community/neighbors
Leverett community/neighbors
Leyden community/neighbors
Longmeadow community/neighbors
Ludlow community/neighbors
Montague community/neighbors
Northfield community/neighbors
Northampton Area Rosh Hashanah Community Events
North Hatfield community/neighbors
Northampton community/neighbors
Shelburne Falls community/neighbors
Shutesbury community/neighbors
Springfield community/neighbors
South Deerfield community/neighbors
South Hadley community/neighbors
Southwick community/neighbors
Suffield, CT Community/Neighbors
Sunderland community/neighbors
Ware community/neighbors
Wendell neighbors/community
West Hatfield community/neighbors
West Springfield community/neighbors
Whately community/neighbors
Worthington community/neighbors
Unlisted Community/Neighbor Group
Unlisted Community/Neighbor Group Name
Delivered to More than One Agency
If the donation was delivered to more than one Agency, please fill out a second form with the information for that Agency
If delivered to more than one Agency, list Agencies:
Delivered by Van/Box Truck
Other Notes (anything you think Rachel's Table should know about this donation)