Arizona Election Integrity Petition
We the People of Arizona are instructing the Arizona State Legislature to immediately pass Emergency legislation at the commencement of the 2022 legislative session, or before, in the case of a Special Session; to include, but not limited to, the following parameters:
- One calendar day voting
- One person, One vote - In person legal votes only
- Voter ID verification required – United States citizenship required to vote
- Paper ballots ONLY – to include security features
- No tabulation machines (smart machines)
- No federal only ballots, or voter registration, allowed
- Hand count ballot results by midnight on election day
- No early mail-in ballots
- Absentee ballots by request each voting period for Military, Disabled, Poll workers and persons that are out of State and have sent in written request for absentee mail-in ballot.
- No acceptance of absentee ballots after election day
- No voting centers, Polls by precincts only
- Poll worker shifts at 8 hours consecutively
- Election results shall be announced no later than 3:00 PM, the day after Election Day
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Email Address
Cell Phone
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By submitting my signature on the above petition, I hereby request that this petition be delivered to the Arizona State Legislature, no later than December 31st, 2021.
I agree
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