2892 Little Refuge Rd
Thank you for attending our event. Your input is greatly appreciated and will help us enhance our services.
What is your opinion relative to other listings in the market at similar price?
Price & Market Positioning
Curb Appeal
First Impression
Marketing Materials
Based on the current listing price, how long do you think it will take this property to sell?
0 - 30 days
30 - 60 days
60 - 90 days
90+ days
Which features do you think stand out most to buyers?
Are there any specific buyer demographics or preferences that this property would appeal to?
Any suggestions for improving the market strategy or presentation?
Is there anything else about your experience or suggestions for improvement?
Potential Concerns:
Were there any aspects of the property that might raise concerns with buyers?
Is there anything you think buyers might hesitate over in this home?