We know the value of your time. We thank you in advance for taking the time to let us know how we're doing. We truly hope our program(s) bring to you as much love as it does to those of us behind the scenes at FCS.
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  • Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A
    Website is Easy to Maneuver
    FCS Staff is Courteous
    Boutique Satisfactory
    Inspirational Care Package Satisfactory
    Mentor Program Useful
    Ease of Contacting FCS
  • Care Package Feedback

    If you've received a care package of inspiration from Fight Club Survivor, we'd love to hear your feedback about that also! Thanks so much!
  • How many stars would you give our care packages of inspiration?
  • We cannot list the items in our packages as we want our packages to remain a surprise to our Recipients. Thank you for understanding and we're sorry for the inconvenience.
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