Bulletin Ad Request
Use this form if you wish to advertise an announcement in our Parish Bulletin.

Before filling out & submitting this form, please ensure that your announcement or event has been approved by our pastor.

Our cut-off is Tuesdays 12:00pm noon. We limit one announcement per group per bulletin issue. If you have multiple announcements, please schedule your advertisements strategically.

Thank you for your support & cooperation!
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  • The text here will appear in the bulletin. Include pertinent event details (i.e. date/time, location, contact person's phone number, email address, or website link) as applicable.

    This option is particularly useful for "big" events which may need to be advertised more than once.
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    Example: Event is on a Wednesday- ad is posted on the closest weekend prior to that weekday.
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  • This section will NOT appear in the bulletin. If you have any message for the staff, type it here.