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  • Tell us what you do!
  • Name Title Phone Email Auth Signer
    Contact 1
    Contact 2
    Contact 3
  • / /
  • Make your structure type
  • Choose your type of accounting
  • Choose your frequency
  • # of Accounts Avg Trans Count per Month
    Credit Cards
    Petty Cash
    Line of Credit
    Loan Accounts
    Cash App
    Other (Write type and number)
    Other (Write type and number)
    Other (Write type and number)
    Other (Write type and number)
  • This is any small or large assets such as vehicle les, buildings, furnishings,etc
    This will be assets held in the company we are providing services for, for example if we do books for your Cleaning Company, we do not need to know about anything you own personally.
    Unless you use the asset more than 50% of the time for business, such as vehicles.
  • Yes or No, and how often?

    If you are not being provided payroll services you may skip this section.
  • Yes/No
  • Yes/No
  • Employee application, W-4, I-9, W-9 (1099s), Direct Deposit Authorization, etc
  • ALL employers regardless of salary are supposed to track hours.
  • You may be asked to upload some information into Client Hub if you have a current payroll. Please remember do not cancel your current payroll until we know that our payroll is set up.

    We will also either be setting up or requesting EFTPS and State/Local Municipality log in info and account numbers. If you do not have these, please call us.