Celebrating Life Together - Got Something To Say?
If you are interested in hosting a session at the 2024 August 16,17,18 Pet Approved Advocacy Event, please complete this form.
Proceeds for this event will benefit the Pet Training Science Alliance Research Projects
  • Personal Details

  • The Pet Training Science Alliance is the PPG Research Program. Information can be found here https://www.petprofessionalguild.com/programs/pet-training-science-alliance/
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  • Your file must be a PNG, JPG or JPEG
    Please make sure it is a good-quality image
  • Please attach your bio here as a PDF, doc, or docx. This will be copy-edited if needed before being posted on the website.
  • Your file must be a JPG, JPEG or PNG
    Please make sure it is a good-quality photograph
  • Your Proposed Session

    Please indicate which type of session you are proposing to host. There will be individual tracks each day to feature the different categories or species
  • Please keep your information for each session to one page.
    Please include the following. A session title, a session description of the webinar and a minimum of 3 bullet point learning objectives.
  • Marketing Your Sessions

    Please check here to confirm you agree to the following actions to promote your individual sessions
  • I agree
    I am able to send a solo email to my full email list to promote my participation in the event at least 30 days prior to August 1, 2024.
    I can promote the event 2 times on my social media channels using the provided personalized graphics for my session.
    You can be available to attend one of the several scheduled Facebook live chats with a group of other presenters to promote the event
  • Would You Like To Provide a Gift, Prize or Special Offer to the event

    We will be providing prizes to the winners of each category of the Advocacy part of this event. If you would like to donate a prize, then please let us know here. You will be featured in the prize catalog.
  • Please let us know what you would like to provide and in what format you can provide it.