National Coin Week Challenge Coin Contest
Guess the Engravers!
ANA President Thomas Uram has created a special challenge coin for National Coin Week. The obverse features the initials of famous Mint engravers throughout the years. Identify all the initials correctly and be entered into the grand drawing for several gold pieces. If you don't get all the answers correct, there's still a chance you could win a prize!
(View coin here.)
Guess the names of the featured engravers from the initials below!
Initials GTM
Initials JEF
Initials CG
Initials CEB
Initials RS
Initials ASG
Initials JM
Initials VDB
Initials DE
Initials ST
Initials AW
Initials JC
Initials SD
Initials PH
Initials HW
Initials ED