Noon Networkers - Membership Application
Please fill out all of the required info.
Basic Information
Today's Date
Who is Your Sponsor?
If no current member has offered to be your sponsor, please leave this field blank.
How did you hear about the Noon Networkers?
Let us know how you heard about us: Google, Facebook, Personal Invitation, etc...
Your Name
Should be the Name of the person who will be attending each week, not just the owner.
Upload Your Photo or Headshot
We need a photo of you for our website. We crop the picture to just include your head. File should be in PNG or JPEG format. 10 Mb limit to file size.
What size shirt do you wear?
Please select
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult XL
Adult 2X
Adult 3X
For when we order shirts for our members.
Your Business Name
Your Business Category
Because only ONE business from each particular category is represented, we need to know your category to check for overlaps with current members.
Business Address
Street Address
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Business Website
Business Phone
Your Mobile Phone
Your Email
Your Experience
Feel free to attach a RESUME or brief biography for additional information. (PDF format preferred)
Upload your Resume or Biography
Not required, but PDF or DOC formats only. 10 Mb limit to file size.
What sort of experience do you have in your profession?
Please be specific.
Your Job Title
Length of Time in Your Business?
List Education / Degrees or Professional Credentials
Is this Business your primary occupation?
Please select
If NO, please explain in the "Explanation" field.
Membership Expectations
Are you able to attend our WEEKLY meetings, arrive on time, and stay for the entre 90 minutes?
Please select
Are you able to send a SUBSTITUTE if you are unable to attend a meeting?
Please select
Are you committed to bringing REFERRALS and helping us grow our group?
Please select
Are you a member of any other business networking groups?
Please select
If YES, please list them.
Other Networking Groups
Membership Agreement
(Please READ and then SIGN below). I AGREE that by participating in the NOON NETWORKERS business networking & referrals group, I will abide by and live up to all rules, regulations and objectives of this organization / group. I hereby agree to fulfill my obligations of: paying annual dues, attending meetings, and helping my fellow member’s businesses grow, as I grow my own. I realize my commitment to participating in this group is a privilege and is an integral part of the group’s success.
I understand that LEADS and/or REFERRALS given or received are privileged information and will remain “Confidential” between the giving and receiving parties. In the event that I am unable to fulfill my obligations to this group, as defined by the group guidelines, I agree to voluntarily withdraw my membership.
Your Signature
Sign with your finger or computer mouse.