Deadline for Preconference Proposals is FEBRUARY 3. 2025.
No preconference proposals will be accepted After FEBRUARY 3, 2025.
Preconferences will be held on Thursday, September 18, for 3-4 hours each, with one set in the morning and one in the afternoon. Only a few preconferences will be accepted.
Preconferences should combine formal presentations, group discussions and active audience engagement, which may include skill development and hands-on experiences if appropriate to the topics. Authors should be prepared to support the additional costs of presenting a preconference.
The FMEC does not provide travel funds, lodging, honoraria, or funds for materials or equipment for the preconference to presenters.
The FMEC charges a modest registration fee for the preconference, to cover meeting space, AV and other meeting costs.
Proposals for preconferences should include:
• specific learning objectives,
• the content of the presentation,
• methods for and extent of involving participants, and
• a breakdown of time utilization for a 3 or 4-hour preconference
• Recommended browser is Google Chrome
• Write out your submission and save it before completing this form.
• Be prepared to upload the first author's CV in PDF format into the form.
• Collect complete contact information for all authors BEFORE starting your submission. You must include names, degrees, institutions, email addresses, and phone numbers for ALL AUTHORS on your submission.
• Provide UNIQUE email addresses for each author. Authors receive important information pertaining to scheduling, meeting registration, housing, presentation and handout preparation, and more. Proposals that submit the same email (such as a coordinator’s email) in multiple presenter fields will be returned for completion before review.
• Limit authors on your submission to 5. We understand more than 5 individuals may have contributed to the content, but please limit your list to 5 authors. Make sure to include those who intend to do the presentation at the meeting.
• Use this online form. The FMEC will not consider submissions received by email or other formats. You can save and come back to your submission within 24 hours of starting it. If you do not come back to and complete that submission within that 24-hour period, it will be deleted, and you will need to resubmit.
• If you are accepted into the Annual Meeting, you must register and pay the registration fee. All presenters attending the Annual Meeting are expected to pay a full registration fee (except those on medical student scholarships; see below). By submitting this proposal, you agree that at least one author listed will register and pay to attend the Annual Meeting. Payment of the full meeting registration is required. The FMEC does not offer a one-day registration fee. No payment is due with this submission form.
• Do not submit a proposal that requires more than a standard AV set up (laptop, projector, screen). The FMEC will provide a standard AV set up for all sessions except Breakfast Table Discussions. We will provide manipulation tables for osteopathic sessions that require them. We will not approve submissions that require video conferencing or other additional technology. If your submission will require props or supplies, you are responsible for providing them.
FMEC’s Annual Meeting is an opportunity for family medicine faculty and residents as well as medical students to present. Only current full-time medical students are eligible to attend and present at the FMEC meeting. ALL SUBMISSIONS FROM MEDICAL STUDENTS AND RESIDENTS MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE FACULTY CO-AUTHOR. The faculty co-author is strongly encouraged to attend and co-present when the submission is from a medical student. Submissions received without one clear faculty co-author will be returned to the student or resident author.
Scholarships are available to some medical students, but others must register. Please contact if you have questions about your eligibility before continuing your submission.
After submission, your proposal will be reviewed and rated by family medicine faculty throughout the northeast US. During review, the FMEC may suggest your proposal be accepted under another category, and/or we may request that it be combined with submissions on similar topics. We will communicate those and other required changes before final acceptance.