2026 INPEX Foundation Student Exchange Scholarship
To be considered for the 2026 INPEX Foundation Student Exchange Scholarship, this form must be fully completed and submitted by Friday 29 August 2025.
Please ensure you have received approval from your Course Coordinator.
To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must
a) be an Australian citizen;
b) be a Northern Territory resident;
c) be enrolled in full-time undergraduate study at CDU;
d) have completed at least 80 credit points before applying;
e) have an average cumulative GPA of more than 5;
f) ensure the study program contributes to CDU’s course requirements, with credit mapping completed by the relevant faculty; and
g) have at least 10 credit points remaining to complete on their return to CDU from the exchange program.
Student number
Mobile phone number
Which city do you live in?
Which degree are you studying at CDU?
Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Please select
Are you an Australian Citizen?
Please select
If 'Yes', do you have a dual citizenship, permanent residency or similar in another country?
Please select
Country of dual-citizenship
Which partner university are you interested in studying at?
Doshisha University
Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
Kanawaza University
Kyoto University
Do you know what Faculty/Course/Units you wish to undertake at the partner university?
Assessment criteria
Please provide a short essay in response to the points below (500 words approx.)
(1) Why do you want to study in Japan and what do you hope to accomplish from this experience?
(2) How will this scholarship assist this goal?
(3) How will this experience studying in Japan benefit Australia-Japan relations?
My application has been endorsed by Course Coordinator (upload signed form)
Approval from Course Coordinator - Signed Form
If successful in receiving a scholarship, I agree to the following:
Undertake a Japanese language refresher course before departure.
Observe and follow the Laws and Ordinance of Japan during my stay in Japan.
Observe and follow the regulations of CDU and the host University and to behave in a good student manner.
Engage with Inpex Scholarship Foundation (ISF) events in Japan as opportunities arise.
Submit a presentation and or report covering the learning experiences of the program to ISF.
Please upload a copy of your CV.
Declaration and consent
I declare that the information I have supplied on this form and in associated attachments is complete, true and correct, to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if any information is found to be incorrect, my application may be cancelled.
I give my consent to Charles Darwin University to use and/or disclose my application and all supporting documents to Inpex Scholarship Foundation and Inpex Australia staff for the purpose of shortlisting and selection.
Inpex Scholarship Foundation