Willing Servant Interest Survey
It takes a Community to make Encounters, Walks, and Gatherings happen!
The jobs listed below could use your help as a Willing Servant.
Please complete this survey to let our New-Ark Area Emmaus Committees know if they may call on you to help.
Community; Encounter, Walk, or Flight/Weekend #
Please indicate your interest by checking one or more of the items in each section below:
'Behind the Scenes' for Ministry Events (Encounters and Walks)
organizing or distributing gifts and letter agape (Agape - Gifts/Letters)
participating in the Prayer Vigil (Agape - Prayer)
preparing, serving, or cleaning up after meals (Kitchen - Meals)
helping with the facilities' setup, security, cleaning, or reset (Logistics)
acquiring, assembling, or organizing the event supplies (Supply)
Gatherings of the Community (monthly, or during Ministry Events)
running the visuals or the sound board (Gatherings - Audiovisual)
coordinating and preparing for the serving of communion (Gatherings - Communion)
playing the guitar or piano to accompany singing (Gatherings - Music)
playing another instrument (Gatherings - Music)
singing a solo (Gatherings - Music)
singing with a group (Gatherings - Music)
speaking about my Emmaus experience and '4th/Next Day' (Gatherings - Speakers)
setting up for or cleaning up after the Fellowship Receptions (Kitchen - Receptions)