Clackamas Nursing Assistant Training Application
Please review the costs, schedule, and policies prior to completing an application.
  • - -
  • Yes No
    Is English your primary language?
  • Yes No
    I will respond to text messages
    I will respond to Email messages
    I will respond to voice or voicemail
  • Yes No
    I understand that completing this application does not guarantee me admission into the program.
    I understand that I will be asked to submit to a drug screen and a background check.
    I am able to speak, read, write, and understand the English language.
    I understand that, if selected for the class, I must attend every scheduled day. If I must miss a classroom/lab day due to an emergency, I will be required to make up the missed time at a rate of $30 per hour.
    I understand that there is no make-up day for the clinical portion of the course.
    I understand that I must complete the Basic Life Support CPR course, which is not included in the tuition.
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