Please fill in the registration form for 2024. We will get back to you within 2 days (including weekend). :-)
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  • * Compulsory for students not attending tuition lessons @ Tinkerlab
  • Parent's/ Guardian's Particulars

  • Online MCQ results will be emailed upon completion.
  • Survey

    Please help us fill up the question below.
  • Selection of PSLE Science Revision Workshop

    The PSLE Science Intensive Workshop is a 10-day workshop, comprising of 2 components:

    (A) Physical Science Workshop (27 May (Mon) - 31 May (Fri) 2024)
    (B) Life Science Workshop (3 Jun (Mon) - 7 Jun (Fri) 2024)

    Format of workshop:

    (i) Online e-Assessment Science portal to prepare the student for multiple choice questions in Booklet A.

    The online MCQ is made up of of 49 sets of online MCQ topical tests, covering all topics from P3 to P6. Each set consists of 10 to 15 questions. Each pupil is allowed 1 attempt* per set (no time limit) starting from the day of sign up till 1 Oct the day for PSLE Science.

    (ii) In-class lessons that focus on the key concepts and answering techniques required to handle open-ended questions in Booklet B.

    The in-class lessons focus on P3 to P5 open-ended questions. Each lesson is 3 hours long (Total of 30 hours in 10 days). Pupils will go through discussion in class and attempt the questions. All papers will be marked and returned to pupils, with answers provided.

    The cost of the workshop is $1050.


    Pupils who make full payment before 27 Apr (Sat) will be given 2 attempts per set of online MCQ (2 attempts on 49 sets). This will enable the student to revise through the portal once for SA1 and another time for Prelim exams!
  • A minimum of 5 students is required for a session to be confirmed. All 3 sessions include the Science Onlne Portal
  • A minimum of 5 students is required for a session to be confirmed. All 3 sessions include the Science Onlne Portal
  • Terms & Conditions

    Kindly read and put a tick to all the following terms and conditions to indicate that you have read and agreed to them.
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