USWT Motion Slip
This form will be used to gather motions made during a national meeting during an online meeting of the membership or staff. It MUST be submitted prior to making the motion at the meeting.
Responses to the online form will be viewed by the USWT Secretary, Parliamentarian, and President. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2017)
Your Email
List the name of the WT member making the motion, if it is not you (the submitter).
State Organization of Motion Maker
Please select
Arizona WT
Illinois WT
Iowa WT
Massachusetts WT
Minnesota WT
Missouri WT
Nebraska WT
Nebraska WT
New Jersey WT
North Dakota WT
Oklahoma WT
Pennsylvania WT
South Dakota WT
Wisconsin WT
Cyprus International WT
Other State Organization Explained
Chapter of Motion Maker
What is your motion?
You should start this with "I move that..." and then state what you wish to move. For example, "I move that the USWT Staff smiles at all times."
This is how the USWT Secretary will track the motion during the meeting.
Outcome of the Motion: [ ] Passed [ ] Amended [ ] Defeated [ ] Tabled
Name of Individual who Seconded the Motion
State Organization of the Individual who Seconded the Motion
Chapter of the Individual who Seconded the Motion