RCRG Caregiver Hub Workshop - Registration 照顧者活動註冊
Thank you for your interest in our workshop! Please fill up the following and we will get to you very soon!
Are you providing care to an older adult? 請問您是長者照顧者嗎?
Yes, I'm a family caregiver.是,我在照顧家里長者。
Yes, I'm a friend caregiver.是,我在照顧年長的朋友。
No, I'm not a caregiver.我不是長者照顧者。
Your location 您在哪個城市
Richmond 列治文
Workshop you'd like to register for 你想報名參加哪個工作坊
Your phone number and email for registration this time 請提供你本次報名的聯繫電話和郵箱
Would you like us to contact you for program and community updates in future?
Yes. 好的。
No. 不用。
I will think about it. 我還沒想好。
Other 其他