Volunteer Form
Thank you for offering to volunteer at Border Collie Trust GB. Please note that volunteers must be 18 years of age or older
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Please supply details of a friend or colleague who could supply a reference. Please include full address and contact details
How would you like to volunteer? Not all tasks may be regularly available, e.g. long term fostering depends very much on the dogs with us and a specific need.
Dog Walking
Dog Socialising
More involved kennel duties
Fostering - long term
Assisting with fundraising
Driving - collection of dogs
Administrative tasks
Which days can you volunteer?
How often can you volunteer? The options are varied for those who can volunteer on a regular basis i.e. same day each week for a set number of hours or on a more "as available" basis
Regularly every week
Every week as shifts and commitments allow
Fortnightly on a regular basis
Fortnightly as shifts and commitments allow
When I can but will vary
If other, please outline
Are you hoping to adopt a collie in the near future?
Please select
Do you have any health issues or special needs which you feel we would need to know about to ensure your safety as a BCTGB volunteer. This information will enable us to act swiftly in case of emergency and will not in any way preclude full consideration of your application.
Please select
Please outline the health issues or special needs
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Do you have unspent criminal convictions registered against you? Please select YES or NO - If Yes, this may not prevent you volunteering, but please provide details of any conviction
Please select
if YES - Please give details of convictions
In your own words please explain the skills you feel will benefit Border Collie Trust and what you hope to gain from volunteering
As explained elsewhere, volunteers must be 18 years of age or over. Please confirm you are 18 years of age or over
Please select
No I'm under 18
How did you find out about this volunteering opportunity?
Please select
Our own website
Volunteer organisation
Internet search
Other website
Visit to centre/show/event
Data Protection.
From time to time we may wish to contact you in respect of volunterring and to update you on our work and activities. Please indicate the methods in which you allow us to contact you. You can amend this at any time by emailing or calling us on 01889 577058
I allow Border Collie Trust to contact me by email
I allow Border Collie Trust to contact me by phone
I allow Border Collie Trust to contact me by post
A short induction about 30 to 45 minutes, especially in respect of dog walking and other kennel related roles is necessary. Please indicate when you would be able to attend. They will be held between 10am and 12noon or 2pm to 4pm. Please tick all that apply.
Weekday mornings
Weekday afternoons
Weekend mornings
Weekend afternoons