This application is spread over multiple pages and contains several questions that will take significant time to complete. Please read the following suggestions to assure that your progress is saved as you move through the application.
At the bottom of the page is a "save and resume" link. After telling us your name and email, we HIGHLY recommend utilizing this feature before proceeding to the next page. Simply click the link at the bottom of any page, and you will be given a link that will allow you to come back to your progress within the next fourteen days. Please save this information.
The next page will outlines essential details about Leadership Florida and the Cornerstone program. You will also receive this information in your confirmation email.
The next several pages of the application is where you will spend the most time. We recommend saving your progress periodically throughout this process. Some internet browsers will "time out" if progress is not saved occasionally.
The final two pages are for reviewing information, payment options, and submission.
Again, please remember to SAVE OFTEN. If you attempt to save and receive the message that the form has "been completed or abandoned," please email for the link to be reset. This email is also included at the bottom of every page for your convenience.
Please note, however, that if the link had not yet been created, we will not be able to reset it and your progress will be lost.
We have a 'working file' available if you would prefer to work offline and then copy/paste your responses in. Please remember however, that all applications must be digitally submitted through this form. No paper or emailed applications will be processed.
Download here:
Cornerstone XXXVII Working File