24-25 Professional Development Award Application
  • Please read and understand the Funding Guidelines, located on the cogs.msu.edu Professional Development Award funding page, prior to applying for this award.

    Professional Development Awards cannot fund attendance at a conference if you are presenting research. To receive funding to present at a conference, please apply for a Conference Award. PD Awards also cannot be used toward tuition-funded classes at MSU, including study abroad. See details on funding guidelines linked in the award page.

    You must be enrolled during the semester you are to receive this award.
  • Applicant Details

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  • ANR = Agriculture and Natural Resources
    BUS = Eli Broad College of Business
    CAL = Arts and Letters
    CAS = Communication Arts and Sciences
    CHM = Human Medicine
    CNS = Natural Science
    COM = Osteopathic Medicine
    CVM = Veterinary Medicine
    EDU = Education
    EGR = Engineering
    LAW = Law
    MUS = Music
    NRS = Nursing
    SOS = Social Science
  • (Applicants applying to both funding programs for a single event will be rejected.)
  • Section B

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  • Justification of Attendance and Letter of Recommendation

    Justification of Attendance: Please explain how you believe the skills, learning, or experience the event offers will be useful to you during your graduate degree or your career thereafter (see guidelines section 3 for more details). Technical details should be made intelligible to a broad audience. If the event is administered by another institute of higher education, please explain how the event differs from similar events at Michigan State University.

    Letter of Recommendation: Please attach a letter of recommendation from your major professor or advisor. The letter should detail how the experience will enhance the applicant's development as a scholar.
  • **IMPORTANT** WORD FILE OR PDF PLEASE. If you are unable to submit a letter of recommendation at this time, please send the letter to Office@COGS.msu.edu. Applications without a letter of recommendation will not be considered for funding. (No screenshots please.) Letters of recommendation must be received on or before the application deadline to be considered.
  • Failure to comply will jeopardize future award opportunities.
  • Acceptance of Conditions for Funding:

  • 1. It is understood that the Applicant will, at his/her own expense, protect and hold harmless COGS, its officers, representatives, members, boards, employees, and agents from all claims, damages, costs, lawsuits and expenses, including but not limited to, all costs arising from administrative proceedings, court costs and attorney fees, that COGS may incur as a result of any act, omission, or negligence of the Applicant or any of its officers, members, employees, agents, subcontractors, or independent contractors which may arise out of this funding request.

  • 2. The liability of COGS, its officers, representatives, members, boards, employees and agents with regards to the funding of the Applicant for any claims, costs, damages, losses, and expenses for which COGS is or may be legally liable, whether arising in negligence or tort, contract, or otherwise, shall not exceed the amount of funding provided by COGS to the Applicant. In no event shall COGS, its officers, representatives, members, boards, employees, and agents be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages.

  • 3. The Applicant shall not transfer any right or interest in this Application without the prior written consent of COGS.

  • 4. The Applicant agrees to abide by all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, as well as their student rights and regulations set forth by Michigan State University.

  • I further understand that any falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of any information contained herein or failure to comply with any of the guidelines or conditions may result in the denial of this request or the forfeiture of part or all funding approved by COGS.
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