Dave Orvosh Scholarship Fund Application

First Name *
Last Name *
City *
Address *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *

Email *
Confirm *
Grade *
 Recently Graduated Senior 
Gender *
How did you find out about CAMPS?
Why do you want to attend CAMPS this summer? (Please note that this response will be released to your sponsor) *
How much aid do you require to attend CAMPS 2023? *
Do you have siblings attending CAMPS this year? *

Sign to Authorize

I understand that by checking the box below that I am securing my application for the Dave Orvosh Scholarship Fund. I understand that if awarded a scholarship I will accept the award within 72 hours and failure to respond, register and pay the remainder of the fee will result in the award being withdrawn.
 I understand the above statement and understand that no refunds are given after registration is complete.  

Returning to CAMPS site

When you submit this form, you will be redirected to the CAMPS website. You should receive confirmation of this registration within the next twenty-four hours by the email that you listed on the form. If not, try again or contact one of the leadership team members located on the contact page of the CAMPS site.
Please list any questions/concerns/requests
Write N/A if not applicable