Summer 2025 Three Week Arts Camp Registration
  • • Refunds: Refund or credit requests must be emailed.

    • Full refund before Feb. 1, 2025 minus a $35.00 fee. 50% refund before March 1, 2025 minus a $35.00 processing fee. No refunds after March 1, 2025.

    • Credit option: Credit requests must be emailed. If we can find someone to take your spot you can have a full credit less $50.00. Credit must be used in one year.

    • Extended Care: Credits can not be used to pay for extended care. There are no refunds or credits available for unused Extended Care days, unless it is before camp starts.

  • This person is the parent that should be contacted if there is confusion at pick-up time or about billing concerns.
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  • Special needs include but are not limited to: physical limitations, challenges using the restroom, impulse control issues, ADHD, developmental delays, etc.

  • Too sick to attend camp: If you child has Covid we need a photo of the positive test emailed to us and we will provide a full credit for the camp less an $35.00 administrative fee. If your child does not have Covid but has active symptoms that are not 80% resolved, we need a doctor's note confirming the illness in order to provide a full credit available for a full year less a $35.00 administrative fee. As space allows, we will try to get you into another camp this summer.

    Prior to camp: If your child is starting camp while recovering from and illness we must be notified 24 hours BEFORE camp, they must have symptoms 80% resolved with no persistent coughing/runny nose, and we need proof of a negative covid test taken the morning of the first day of camp. It is up to the discretion of staff to determine whether symptoms are mild enough to attend camp. They will need to wear a KN95 mask while recovering.

    During camp: If campers become ill during a camp day, they must be able to be picked up within an hour. For any illness during camp, a Covid test is required and campers can not return unless the test is negative and symptoms are 80% resolved. If staff did not observe the onset of symptoms, we will require a doctor's note to confirm the illness in order to provide a prorated credit available for a full year for the days missed of camp.
  • I will inform you immediately if my chlld has had potential exposure to Covid. If a household member has Covid and isolation is not possible we agree to withdraw from camp. Daily testing will be required if still attending camp.
  • Our Covid policies: If Covid positive, camper may not come back to camp until they are negative.
  • In the interest of creating a safe and fun for campers, all are required to follow staff directions, act respectfully to staff and other campers, not compromise the emotional and physical safety of others and follow Covid safety protocols. Parents will be informed if a camper has been unable to meet these expectations. If the behavior does not improve Onstage Kids N Dance N Theater Arts has the right to remove the camper from the program with no refund.
  • ALMOST THERE ......

  • Your signature indicates agreement to our registration terms It also signifies consent for items indicated in this completed form.
  • First and Last Name of person that completed the form and signed above.