Donation to NAMI-Tallahasssee
Memorial or Honorarium
  • Your information:

    Your name and address information is important to the honoree or family, in order to write a thank you note or contact you regarding your gift.

    It also helps us match your donation through our merchant account.
  • We need to know, if you would like to include a message with your donation or how you would like to have the card signed. Examples: The Smith Family, John and Mary Smith.

    Messages are limited to 200 words.
  • 2. Honoree Acknowledgement:

    Name and address of the family or individual you would like to receive acknowledgment of your donation. Your donation amount will not be included in the acknowledgement.
  • Who your gift is in "Honor" of or in "Memory" of:

  • 3. Payment:

    This is a two-step process. Please confirm below that you have or will initiate the separate payment transaction. The information on this form is needed to ensure your gift is handled in a timely and accurate manner. Upon payment confirmation, we will proceed.
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