USWT Extension Funding Application
The United States Women of Today has funds available to assist chapters and/or individuals with an extension; for which up to $30 per extension can be applied. The guidelines following must be met in order to qualify immediately upon starting extension work:

 Intent to Extend form must be on file
 Extension Funding Application form must be complete and on file
 New Chapter form must be sent upon completion of the extension
 Receipts must accompany this application

Funds will be disbursed upon completion of the extension. Applications will be approved at the discretion of the USWT President, USWT Membership Vice President, and USWT Extensions Director.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the USWT Extension Director, and your state contact. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2019)
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  • Extension Information

  • If you are a member of a state organization not listed, please enter your state.
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  • Enter the name of the Extension Chair
  • Budget Information

    Enter the income and expenses of the extension
  • If you have a PDF file of this budget, please upload it
  • Amount Received
    INCOME: Chapter Appropriation
    INCOME: State Appropriation
    INCOME: Other Donations/Sources
    INCOME: Personal Expenses
    INCOME: Other
  • If you chose INCOME: Other, then enter the types of expenses
  • Amount Paid
    EXPENSE: Phone Calls
    EXPENSE: Postage
    EXPENSE: Copies
    EXPENSE: Room Rental
    EXPENSE: Publicity
    EXPENSE: Other
  • If you chose EXPENSE: Other, then enter the types of expenses