33rd Annual Garden Fair Vendor Application -
May 12, 13, 14, 2023 | Rain or Shine Event
The State Arboretum of Virginia
Blandy Experimental Farm
400 Blandy Farm Lane
Boyce, VA 2620
Company Name
Contact Name
Our communications are by email.
Daytime Phone | Number to be Listed in Program
How do you wish to submit your Vendor Packet:
Please mail a packet to me
I am submitting via this on-line packet
Mailing Address
Street Address
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Vendor Type
Please select
Food Vendor (Serving Snacks/Desserts)
Food Vendor (Serving Meals)
Food Vendor 20-ft Truck (Serving Snacks/Desserts)
Food Vendor 20-ft Truck (Serving Meals/Snacks/Desserts)
Retail Vendor/Exhibitor
Non-Profit Org with Sales
Non-Profit Org No Sales
List of products to be offered for sale
We use these words for the program and on our website.
Photo Upload
Add File
Only first-time vendors must submit photos.
Electrical Needs: Clearly mark the type(s) of electricity you will need.
Please select
20 amps/120 volts $25
30 amps/20 volts $50
50 amps/220 volts $75
60-100 amps/220 volts $150.00
Table Rental
Please select
No Tables Needed
1 Table $10
2 Tables $20
3 Tables $30
4 Tables $40
5 Tables $50
6 Tables $60
7 Tables $70
8 Tables $80
9 Tables $90
10 Tables $100
Yes, I would like to rent a table(s). Table rental is $10/each. Select total requested.
Garden Fair Booth Size
Food Vendors Serving Snacks/Desserts
Please select
10 linear feet wide - $220
11 linear feet wide - $242
12 linear feet wide - $264
13 linear feet wide - $286
14 linear feet wide - $308
15 linear feet wide - $330
20-ft Truck -$440
Please select the number of feet wide you will need. Please include trailer hitches, support ropes, and pegs. Fee is $22 per linear foot. Each booth space is 20 ft deep.
Food Vendors Serving Meals
Please select
10 linear feet wide - $380
11 linear feet wide - $418
12 linear feet wide - $456
13 linear feet wide - $494
14 linear feet wide - $532
15 linear feet wide - $570
20-ft Truck - $760
Please select the number of feet wide you will need. Please include trailer hitches, support ropes, and pegs. Fee is $38 per linear foot. Each booth space is 20 ft deep.
Retail Vendor
Please select
1 booth space 15X20 - $385
2 booth spaces 30X20 - $770
3 booth spaces 45X20 - $1,155
4 booth spaces 60X20 - $1,540
Please select the number of booths you would like. Fee is $385 per booth. Each booth is 15 feet wide by 20 feet deep.
NonProfit Org NO Sales
Please select
1 booth space 10X20 - $55
2 booth spaces 20X20 - $110
Please select the number of booths you would like. Fee is $55 each. Each booth is 10 feet wide by 20 feet deep.
NonProfit Org WITH Sales | 15% of Sales DUE to FOSA by May 26, 2023
Please select
1 booth space 10X20 - $55
2 booth spaces 20X20 - $110
Please select the number of booths you would like. Fee is $55 each. Each booth is 10 feet wide by 20 feet deep.
Exhibit Setup | Indicate your setup day
Retail Vendor or NonProfit Org Thursday 12-4p
Food Vendor Friday 12-4p
Vendor with over-sized Vehicles/Trailors or vehicles with more than 2 axles Thursday 12-4p*
Retail Vendor or NonProfit Org Friday 10:30-4p
Please check your Arrival Day. Food Vendors MUST set up on Thursday. All Vendors (except Food Vendors) must be open Friday from 5-7:30p, Saturday and Sunday 9:00a-4:00p.
*All those with over-sized vehicles must set up on Thursday to ensure event field access.
Applications, signed guidelines, and Certificate of Insurance must be received by March 31, 2023.
Please email to or mail to: 400 Blandy Farm Ln, Boyce, VA 22620.
Please note this is an application submittal only. Once your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions
Certificate of Insurance
Certificate Uploaded with this Application
Certificate to be mailed
Certificate of Insurance must cover dates of Garden Fair and are DUE by March 31, 2023.
Upload your Certificate of Insurance Here
Add File
PDF or image files only
2023 Garden Fair Vendor Guidelines
(Please click on the logo to review this document)
Blandy Invasive Plant List
(Please click on the logo to review this document)
Agree to Terms
I have read and agree as set forth therein, including precautions related to the spotted lanternfly and Invasive Plant Guidelines.
I agree to pay all fees and provide a certificate of Insurance by March 31, 2023.
I agree that these guidelines may be subject to change, including COVID guidelines.
Please check box above.
Person Completing Application
Before you go let us know
RSVP for 1 for Boxed Meal May 12 - I understand I need to pick it up at the Membership tent
RSVP for 2 Boxed Meal May 12 - I understand I need to pick them up at the Membership tent
Other/See note below about our payment. Remember, vendor spaces will not be reserved if payment is not received.
CHECK ALL THAT APPLY INCLUDING BOXED MEAL RSVP. Boxed meals must be reserved; we will not have extras. Please note any dietary restrictions.
Questions, comments, etc.
File Upload