Best Friends For Life Adoption Form
All fields must be completed
1. Must own a house.
2. Veterinarian reference.
3. Application & adoption fee.
4. Children must be 7 years old
If you want to adopt a dog or provide a foster home, please click on the bone to fill out our application.
Phone and best time to call
Work Phone and best time to call
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Dog you are interested in?
What type of home do you live in?
Single family
Multi Family
If other housing explain
How many children do you have? If yes how old and there activity level and experience with pets.
How many members in your family?
Age of family members
Do you have others living with you such as roommates? Explain.
What is the activity level in your home?
Busy visits w/ friends, parties
Noisy- Television, stereo etc
Moderate normal
Quiet homebodies
Do you have pets now? Explain breed, sex, age, spayed, neutered etc.
Please tell us about previous pets and what happened to them?
Who would have primary responsibility for this dog/s?
How many hours a week would this dog spend alone without humans?
Please describe your work schedule?
Do you have a fenced in yard? Explain.
What other facilities and opportunities do you have for exercising a playful, active dog?
Where will the dog be kept at: Night? Day? When you are not home? When you are on vacation?
Why do you want to adopt a dog?
Please give the name(s) of you veterinarian(s). If you use more than please note which pet(s) is/are seen at each time. Also, indicate if you use Petco Team, or other low cost options for vaccinations and/ or spay/neuter operations.
Name(s) on your account.
Name all the pets under this account.
Veterinarian reference name and phone number.
List 3 personal references with names and phone numbers.
Have you ever had the breed you are applying for?
Please select
First option
Second option
Third option
Have you ever had any experience with an emotionally or physically neglected or abused dog? If yes explain.
Under what circumstance might you decide not to keep the pet? Check boxes that apply.
New Job
New Baby
Illness or allergies
Problem w/ pet's health
Problem w/ pet's behavior
Are you aware a rescued dog may not be fully house trained?
Are you willing and able to train the dog?
Adopter's signature