NAPFA Consumer Education Fdn. (NCEF) Board App.
The NAPFA Consumer Education Foundation is guided by a Board of Trustees who are highly engaged and passionate about changing lives through pro-bono financial advice.
If you are interested in serving on the Board, prospective board members are invited to complete the application below. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, however the deadline for a full term appointment is July 30th of this year. Applications are reviewed by the nominating committee and a prospective slate is presented to the full board. The board will review/approve the slate at an upcoming board meeting and approved board members will be notified immediately and officially invited to join the Board.
Board members are expected to understand the mission, purpose, programs and goals of NCEF and to advocate for the Foundation, which includes fundraising. Board members are also expected to attend monthly conference calls and to serve on a committee where much of the work is accomplished.
Thank you for considering sharing your time and talent with the NAPFA Consumer Education Foundation.
I am interested in serving on (select all that apply):
NCEF Board of Trustees
NCEF Committee
Phone Number
Email Address
Firm/Work Address
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Web Site
Years in the Industry
What has been your involvement with the NAPFA Consumer Education Foundation to date? (Check all that apply)
NCEF Committee Member
List any prior/current NAPFA involvement: (committees, regional participation, Board positions held, task forces, etc)
What other nonprofit board/volunteer organizations have or do you currently participate with and in what capacity, if any?
List two or more individuals and their contact information who have served with you in some volunteer capacity, if applicable.
Please explain why you would be an asset to the NAPFA Consumer Education Foundation and how you will help advance its mission.
If chosen for board service, please indicate your preferred committee(s), if any. (check all that apply)
Is there any additional information that would assist us in determining your fit as a board member of the NAPFA Consumer Education Foundation?
By signing below I attest that the information submitted in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Date Submitted
Please attach resume or CV.