This form applies to individuals who are dissatisfied with a decision made by Ikon and wish to escalate the matter for internal review under Stage 3 of the resolution framework.
An appeal may be made where the decision relates to:
• The determination or outcome of a formal grievance
• An assessment, grade, recognition of prior learning, or academic misconduct
• Cancellation or suspension of the enrolment of a domestic student due to unsatisfactory academic progression
• Deferral, suspension or cancellation of the enrolment of an international student including release to another provider and the intention to report to the Department of Home Affairs for unsatisfactory academic progression
NOTE: Under the ESOS Act, international students have twenty (20) working days to lodge an appeal against a decision relating to the deferral, suspension or cancellation of their enrolment including the intention to report for unsatisfactory academic progression or for non-payment.
There is no cost to access the internal appeals process and the resolution framework does not limit or remove the right of individuals to take action under Commonwealth or State consumer protection laws or pursue legal remedies.
Grounds for Appeal
An appeal can be made on one or more of the following grounds:
a) New evidence becomes available that could change the original outcome or decision
b) Determination was made without consideration of the evidence or procedural fairness
c) Evidence of bias, prejudice or a conflict of interest
d) Compassionate or compelling circumstances
e)Significant irregularity in the application of a policy, procedure or calculation
Appeals considered frivolous, unreasonable, vexatious or lacking substance will be dismissed.
Appeals will be treated with confidentiality at all times. All matters arising during the internal appeals process will be documented and recorded in an investigation file. Records will be disclosed only to individuals who have a right to the information by virtue of their role in the resolution process, or as required by law.
Individuals will not be disadvantaged or victimised for lodging an internal appeal. Staff will act fairly at all times to assure there is no bias during the resolution process.
An appeal may be withdrawn at any time by the appellant however Ikon reserves the right to continue investigation to satisfy other requirements or protect its own interests.
IMPORTANT: All notifications during the internal appeals process will be sent by email. It is your responsibility to check your email inbox. It is vital you are aware of progress in the event a conciliation meeting is called or additional information is required.