City Council Appointment to Boards and Commissions
This form is used by citizens to request consideration for appointment to a board or a commission by the Terre Haute City Council. Please read the information concerning the board or commission on the City's website (under City Council) prior to submission of this form. Visit www.TerreHaute.In.Gov for more information
  • If you reside outside the boundaries of the City of Terre Haute, please indicate in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION comment box at the end of the form if you own property within the City of Terre Haute and the address. A few of the boards and commissions have requirements for residency. Please read the information on the City's website (under the City Council) for residency requirements prior to submitting this form.
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  • Please select one
  • Please select the board or commission you are applying for appointment. You may only SELECT ONE board or commission per appointment form.

    Please read instructions carefully
  • There are restrictions for employment, past or present, or appointments for some boards and commissions. Please read the information on the City's website (under City Council) concerning the board or commission you are applying for prior to submitting this form. You may include additional information in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION comment box at the end of the form