YALSA Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
The YALSA Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship aims to foster research on teens, learning and libraries, specifically research that aligns with YALSA’s National Research Agenda, and/or research that investigates any aspect of YALSA’s Teen Services Competencies for Library Staff, by encouraging and assisting doctoral students in the field with their dissertation research.

One recipient will be awarded up to $3,000 to cover any research related expenses (including travel to conferences relevant to dissertation research).

• Be a current personal member in YALSA/ALA
• Be a current doctoral candidate in good standing pursuing research on teens, learning and libraries in a doctoral degree-granting institution that supports research related to teens, learning, or libraries
• Have doctoral dissertation proposal accepted by the institution or by their dissertation advisor.

Apply by March 1 April 1 (extended deadline). Learn more.
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  • Copy and paste it in the box or upload a file below.
  • Statement of Understanding

    If chosen as a recipient of this fellowship award, recipients must:

    • Submit an annual progress report by July 1 each year of the fellowship
    • Acknowledge the support of YALSA/ALA in any publicity or presentation based on the funded study
    • Inform the YALSA Executive Director if research funding from other sources is obtained, in addition to those provided by YALSA
    • Submit a paper describing at least one aspect of the results of the funded study to the Association's Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults (JRLYA) for possible publication prior to submission to other publication venues; publication will be subject to peer-review.
  • Personal Data Notification:

    The ALA (American Library Association and its units) and the ALA-APA (Allied Professional Association) (collectively “ALA”) use the personal data you provide to the ALA to process membership, inform you of products, services, conferences, education opportunities, events and for other purposes which are within the Association’s mission. To accomplish these actions, ALA contracts with third-parties who gather and process personal data to complete interactions such as online purchases, conference registration, and fulfillment. The personal data as provided is processed and stored as a legitimate Interest to the ALA in order to fulfill your requests for information and services from ALA.

    For more information, review ALA’S PRIVACY POLICY at http://www.ala.org/privacypolicy
  • Question?

    Please contact Letitia Smith at lsmith@ala.org