Secure Payments
  • Name as it appears on your credit card.
  • This email will be used for sending any electronic documents/itineraries.
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  • By entering your booking # you are authorizing us to make payment on your behalf to the supplier of your booking.
  • $ .
    Payment amount you are authorizing to the supplier of your booking.
  • Name on ID must match name on the card used for payment.
  • Protected in vault Data collected via fields that have our security seal are encrypted and stored with the highest global security standard — PCI compliance. Your data is absolutely safe in Vault.
  • **Be sure to input your correct billing address and zip code.

    I hereby authorize my travel agent to apply my payment to the travel vendor of my booking via the credit card listed above. I guarantee and warrant that I am the legal cardholder for the credit card information listed above and that the billing address matches the credit card information provided.