Please provide us with your information so we can add your FREE LISTING to the Hypnotherapy New Zealand Directory.

Important Note:
These listings are for Hypnotherapists and Hypnotherapy. Other modalities that you may practice will generally not be included in your listing.
  • This will be the displayed name on your free directory listing.
    It should ideally be the name on your most recent Hypnotherapy Qualification.
  • EG: If your Hypnotherapy Clinic has a specific legal trading name such as: "Happy Hypno" or "Mary Jane's Hypnotherapy Services" then add that here.
    If you simply trade under your own name, then please leave this field blank.
  • EG: HNZ Diploma in Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy 2016
    NB: Approved Training/Trainer conditions apply.
  • You may add up to 10 issues.
    1 issue per line - Short 1 or 2 word descriptions. EGs:
    Business Confidence
    Sports Focus
    (Long or inappropriately worded titles/descriptions may be deleted or edited in any listing provided.)

    IMPORTANT NOTE: We adhere to ASA guidelines in our listings, so:
    Do not add words such as: stop, improvement, better, success, fix, loss, or reduction to the issues that you list.
    You must be able to scientifically justify any claims that you can improve any medical conditions.
  • If you'd like us to show your website link in your free listing, we require a significant mention of Hypnotherapy New Zealand on a major page of your website that includes a prominent reciprocal link back to

    The following link text should be placed on a major page of your website: "HYPNOTHERAPY NEW ZEALAND: Providing NZ Hypnotherapy Training, Support, Information & Resources Since 1996."
  • If you'd like us to show your Hypnotherapy-business-specific (not personal) Facebook page as a link in your free listing, we require a significant mention of Hypnotherapy New Zealand on your Facebook Page "ABOUT" section, that includes a prominent reciprocal link back to

    The following link text should be placed in the "ABOUT" section of your Facebook page: "HYPNOTHERAPY NEW ZEALAND: Providing NZ Hypnotherapy Training, Support, Information & Resources Since 1996."
  • Once we have confirmed your reciprocal link, we will include a bold link to your website within your free listing on our directory.
  • Please use a .png or .jpg image that is already "square" or one that we can crop a suitable square from.
  • NOTE: This is only required for those who have not trained with Grant Boddington.

    Please use a .png or .jpg image format.
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