2025 FCA Travel Team Contract
Please read the commitment requirements below and sign:

• We commit to attending practice regularly as we know it is a vital part of our player’s development and preparation for each competition. It is also vital for consistent growth in their relationship with Christ. Attending practice regularly means having no more than 4-5 absences per month unless prior commitment to other sport.

• We commit to communicating with our coach in advance when we are absent, tardy or have to leave early.

• We commit to marking availability on SportsConnect 24 hours in advance to a practice, game or event. We realize how important that information is for a coach to make a quality and productive practice plan.

• We commit to participate in all Games and Tournaments asked of us unless there is a prior commitment. We recognize the importance for the entire roster to be present.

• We commit to arriving on time to each practice and competition. “On Time” means early enough to walk from the parking lot, place my bag, and put on cleats. Practice time begins with a coach meeting or stretch.

• We commit to allowing the coach space to coach. We will limit parent/player interactions in the dugout, batting cages and on the field because it can be a distraction.

• We commit to speaking respectfully to teammates, coaches, parents, opposing teams, and umpires. We recognize our actions and words are a reflection of not just this organization but of Jesus (whom we ultimately represent).

• We commit to approach playing time in a respectful and listening manner. We understand that coaches strive to give everyone an opportunity considering the game scenario while also trying to compete to win. If we have a question about playing time, then we will have our player approach the coach.

• We encourage you to be apart of our missions trips, jr coach program and FCA Summer Camps.