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The Great Muslim Cook-Off
Fill out your information below. If you have any questions please email Hassan at
(Note, If You Would Like to Submit More Then 1 Dish into the Competition You Will Need to Resubmit this Form for Every Additional Dish)
Full Name
Company Name
Primary Number
Sell Food at the Event
Tent Rental $250
Pavilion Booth Rental $100
Submit Your Dish into the Competition $10
Name of your Dish
If you are Submitting a Dish Into the Competition
If You Are Submitting a Dish Please Choose a Category (Note, If You Would Like to Submit More Then 1 Dish You Will Need to Resubmit this Form for Every Additional Dish)
Best Appetizer
Best Rice & Pasta Dish
Best Sauce & Bread Dish
Best Alternative Dish
Best Dessert
Business Sponsorship
Master Chef: ($600), includes free tent, business logo on printed brochures, business logo and description on website, social media shout-out, mention in speech and announcement during the award ceremony, mention in media release and any media interv
Culinary Genius: ($450), free tent, business logo on printed brochures, business logo and description on the website, social media shout-out, mention during the speech and announcement during the award ceremony.
The Saucier: ($250), business logo and description on website, social media shout-out and mention during the speech.
Assistant Chef: ($150), business logo and description on the website and social media shout-out.