Team Brunel - Equipment Request Form
Please complete this form to request the equipment that your club requires for the season.
Please provide as much detail as possible, as your equipment budget will be based on the information given.
Name of Club
Contact Name
Contact Committee Position
Contact Email Address
Equipment (quantity and cost):
Please make sure that you provide online links to the items where possible and all required info for us to be able to place the order.
Do shop around to ensure value for money, as this will increase the likelihood of the request being approved.
Please also request items of the required standard for your level of play - e.g. beginners do not necessarily require Olympic standard equipment!
The Union has reinstated the use of Amazon, so feel free to use them if they provide the best value for money.
Reason for the request:
Please provide details as to why you have made the above request.
Please indicate if a request is an essential purchase for you to operate, or a development request to enhance the offer to your members.
Please note, we will look at the equipment that has been purchased in the past for the club when making a decision on these requests, as it is expected that clubs maintain and look after their equipment year on year.
Total cost of the requests (£):