The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen local churches through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The aim of the Walk to Emmaus is to inspire, challenge and equip local members for Christian Action in their homes, churches, places of work and communities. If you are sponsoring, be aware of certain things that are not to be taken lightly. It is a long-term commitment to the Emmaus Community and to the potential pilgrim.
This commitment has many responsibilities which you must consider before asking a candidate if he/she is interested in a Walk. Please be in prayer before and as you share this amazing instrument of God’s love with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
The local Emmaus community signs a covenant agreement with the International Emmaus
office. This agreement contains a statement regarding married couples that “married couples are encouraged to make an equal commitment to participate in the Walk to Emmaus.”
Emmaus does not want to become a wedge in any marriage and the Equal Commitment Rule helps to guard against this. This Walk can be a time for new commitments and directions in a marriage, and can allow Emmaus to be an aid in strengthening marriage and family bonds. Both members of the couple should be strongly encouraged to participate at the same time when the Walk to Emmaus is being presented and applications are being offered.
Experience had shown that the Equal Commitment Rule has resulted in the active participation in Emmaus and the local church of both husbands and wives. These persons made the commitment to attend because their spouse wanted to attend. While the initial motive may have been supporting the spouse, more often than not, have found that Emmaus has been a vital ingredient in their own Christian growth. There is nothing wrong if a couple must delay a walk to a later date so they can take advantage of the same set of walks.