1Board Information2Nomination Form
Board Information
Nomination Form

  • 2026 Foundation Board of Trustees Information and Application

    The Foundation for Dental Laboratory Technology (Foundation) is seeking individuals interested in serving on the 2026 Foundation Board of Trustees. New board members are elected, or appointed, in the fall of 2025 and will take office on January 1, 2025. Each would be appointed or elected to serve a three-year term on the Foundation Board of Trustees in accordance with the bylaws.

    The members of the Foundation board are stewards of the organization and are responsible for reflecting the views and interests of all constituents. The board guides the organization through proven leadership, a shared vision and support for the missions of the association. In addition, they are also responsible for the organizations’ fiscal health. Service on the board is a serious commitment, but offers an educational and rewarding experience for those serving.

    In order to serve as a Trustee for the Foundation board, an individual must be the designated representative of an organization who is a contributor to the Foundation, or an individual contributor to the Foundation. As part of their role on the Foundation Board, Trustees are expected to fundraise and solicit donations to help further the mission of the organization
  • Qualities of an Effective Board Member

    Leadership requires knowledge, talent, skill, vitality and the ability to make a difference. In the association environment, that translates into a solid track record of contributing to the success of programs, events or projects. Serving as an association leader is both an honour and a reward. It requires a proven commitment to the organization and its missions and goals.

    Participating fully in board activities requires extra time and expense for attending meetings. Working together can prove vital in reaching an organizations goals and objectives. Well-developed interpersonal skills and ability to communicate are essential to effective teamwork.

    Often, leaders emerge because of their special expertise or effective representation of a specific constituency. Leadership, however, may require subordinating those interests for the greater good of the organization. In essence, an effective board member brings their expertise and experience to provide value, but such experience and expertise should not drive the policy-making process.

    Intuitive and interpretive skills enable leaders to understand the people around them, internalize the data they receive, recognize the relationships that exist between systems within their world, and integrate all these elements into a coherent whole. Focusing on policy-making, not the day-to-day operations of the organization is what makes an effective board.

    By virtue of their position, current leaders serve as mentors and teachers to future leaders. Enthusiasm - a zest for serving the association is an important ingredient that leaders must possess.
  • Duties of an Effective Board Member

    • The Duty of Obedience – forbids acts outside the scope of corporate powers. The governing board of the organization must comply with state and federal law, and conform to the organization’s charter, articles of incorporation and bylaws.

    • The Duty of Loyalty – dictates that officers and trustees must act in good faith and must not allow their personal interests prevail over the interests of the organization

    • The Duty of Care – requires trustees and officers to be diligent and prudent in managing the organization’s affairs. The individuals charged with governing must handle the organizational duties with such care as an ordinary prudent person would use under similar circumstances.

    The minimum level of participation required of Trustees is that they read all relevant materials, and ask questions about any matter they do not understand.
  • Foundation Board of Trustees Time Requirements

    Board terms are staggered and a board member can serve up to two, three-year terms in a trustee position. Officers are one-year terms.

    Service on the Foundation board requires attendance at up to two in-person meetings a year. This is a one-day meeting in spring; the location rotates around the country, and a two-day meeting in Chicago, IL in August. Foundation board members can be reimbursed for travel and lodging for attending official meetings within the organization’s travel policy.

    The Foundation board also meets by teleconference 3 - 4 times a year in the interim. These calls are during the day and are traditionally 1 - 2 hours
  • Foundation Policies on Campaigning and Trustee Behavior

    It is the policy of the Foundation that in the event of a slate of nominees that candidates will be afforded the right to campaign within the following parameters:

    • Candidate Biographies of approximately 150 - 300 words to be placed in the Journal of Dental Technology (JDT). Word count will be set by the editor of the JDT in advance and all candidates will have the opportunity to review their biography.

    It is the policy of the Foundation that in the event of a contested election those candidates will be afforded the right to campaign within the following parameters:

    • Candidate Biographies of approximately 150 - 300 words to be placed in the Journal of Dental Technology (JDT). Word count will be set by the editor of the JDT in advance and all candidates will have the opportunity to review their biography.

    • Candidate Statements of approximately 150 - 300 words to be emailed out to all constituents with a right to vote prior to the election deadline.

    It is the policy of the Foundation that the Journal of Dental Technology and one email through the Foundation should be the only means by which a candidate provides written communication to prospective voters regarding their desire to serve on the respective boards. No candidate should engage in written attempts to campaign to the respective voting base of constituents outside of the approved means. This includes writing letters, sending emails, purchasing advertisements, etc. If the candidates do not follow the previous policy regarding campaigning, they may become ineligible at the discretion of the board. The Foundation board reserves the right to determine if the campaigning policy has been breached by a candidate.

    While the Foundation appreciates passion and commitment in its leaders, it is expected that members seeking office will conduct themselves in a manner that is a reflection of their character and respects the integrity of the organizations. It is the Foundation’s policy that members seeking office shall campaign in a positive manner, avoiding ad hominem attacks, disparagement and negative campaigning directed at others seeking office, and shall not encourage or allow anyone else to do so on their behalf.

    Candidates are encouraged to communicate their own experience, plans and vision to the voting body through established means. Negative campaigning not only discredits the candidate who engages in it, but poisons the well, discouraging others from seeking office, and discouraging many constituents from getting involved in the associations, as everyone prefers to be part of a positive organization. If you are aware of legal or ethical concerns about a candidate, that information should be brought confidentially to the attention of the Executive Director or a Board member.

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