Join the Andover Pollinator Pathway!
How to join: Everyone can join by adding native pollinator-friendly plants, subtracting some lawn, avoiding the use of pesticide sprays and lawn chemicals so as not to kill pollinators, removing invasive plants, and leaving leaves in the fall.
Residents can add anywhere from a pollinator-friendly tree or a few planters, to a small mailbox pollinator garden, to some native foundation shrubs, to a full meadow. Lists of northeast native pollinator plants are available here:
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Street Address
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Property Size (acres, square feet or containers)
Please Specify
Please select
Square Footage
Join us in supporting birds, insects, and other wildlife in your yard:
I have native pollinator-friendly plants in my yard
I am reducing the footprint of my lawn, cutting it less frequently, and mowing it higher
I avoid the use of pesticide sprays and lawn chemicals and my lawn service avoids them too
I am removing invasive plants from my yard
I leave the leaves to sustain birds, protect overwintering pollinators, and build living soil
Approximately how many native trees are on your property?
Approximately how many native shrubs are on your property?
Approximately how many native perennials are on your property?
Approximately what percentage of the vegetation in your yard is native?
Which natives in your yard are your favorites and why?
Public Pollinator Pathway Map - List your property on the map. Street address will be visible but no names. Exception for businesses and public spaces, etc.
Yes! Include my property on the public pollinator pathway map
No - Keep my address private
Share photos of your garden!
If you would like to update the information on this form or add photos at a later date, please re-submit the form.