Light the Night
Trunk or Treat Form
Will you arrive by 5PM on Thursday Oct 31st?
If NO what time will you arrive? (No later than 5:30 PM)
Do you already have a theme?
I need help with one
If YES what is your theme?
Q and A Section
What should my trunk look like?
You will need to provide your own decorations for your tailgate/trunk. Keep in mind this is a family event and all decorations should be appropriate for ALL ages. No blood, devils, skeletons, jack-o-lanterns, gory, scary, or creepy creatures. Remember parents have chosen to come to Hope, expecting it to be a safe and uplifting alternative to their neighborhoods or other venues.
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Do I have to be at my trunk the whole time?
One adult MUST be present at each vehicle at all times during the TRUNK or TREAT event.
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Do I have to provide my own candy?
You will need to provide treats to give out. Please plan on approximately 500 pieces of candy per trunk. This would be nice. We are expecting a large turnout!! *Note – only give out one piece of candy per child.
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Where do I park?
Participants can check in to the designated parking spaces starting @5:00pm to get set up. Space location will be on first come first serve basis.
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How long is the event?
Trunk or Treat time 6:00PM – 8:00PM
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Do we have to dress up?
Don’t forget about a costume for yourself. The best and most interesting trunks have their owners dressed to match the theme.
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Are there prizes?
Of course there are prizes. The best, most creative trunks will win a prize. So go big and be creative.
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