Ministries Volunteer Survey
One of the vows you take when you become a member of Covenant is “to support the church in its worship and work to the best of your ability.” A great way to support the work of the church is by serving in the ministries of the church.
Please place a check next to the ministries in which you are interested in serving.
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Are you currently a member of Covenant?
Please select
If no, please tell us if you are a member of another church.
Birth Date
Adult Discipleship
Home Group (Lead or attend)
Discipleship Group (Lead or attend)
Sunday School Class (Lead or attend)
Children's Ministry
Kid's Club (Thursdays, early evening)
Children's Church (once a month) - Classroom Shepherd, Worship Leader, Sermon Leader, or Weekly Coordinator
Early Childhood or Elementary Sunday School (Teacher or helper)
Family Social Events (American Heritage Girls; Videographer)
Help with various opportunities for childcare
Nursery duty (Once a month)
Sunday Morning Family (Many children attend 2nd service without their families. Be a family with whom that child may worship.)
Through the Roof (Special buddy or childcare for children with disabilities)
Vacation Bible School
College Ministry
Host college students in your home for a meal.
Congregational Care & Counseling
Stephen Ministry (Lay counseling and encouragement ministry)
Marriage Mentoring
Assisting Deacons
Communion preparation
Financial counseling team
Offering collection
Alianza Ministries
Tutoring (Adults and children)
ESL Program
After School Program
Alianza Worship Team
Hispanic Community Assistance
Help with food preparation for church-wide events
Set-up/Clean-up for church-wide events
Missions Committee
Join the missions committee (Oversees all aspects of missions at Covenant)
Missionary encouragement
Men's Ministry
Leadership Team
Men's Breakfasts
Bible/book study (Lead or attend)
Service Projects
Ushering Ministry
Ushering during 1st Service
Ushering during 2nd Service
Ushering during special events
Welcome Ministry
Sunday Morning Greeter
Child Check-in helper (assist at the check-in kiosks)
Sunday Morning Coffee Prep
Bread Ministry (Deliver bread to visitors)
Make Bread for Visitors
Women's Ministry
AIM (Adventures in Mothering)
Bible/book Study (Lead or attend)
Heart - to - Heart Mentoring (Mentor or be mentored)
Leadership Council
Retreats/Conferences (help with planning)
Salvation Army Dinners
Tea Ministry
Worship Ministry
Participate on the Worship Team
Sound Team (audio)
Projection Team (visual)
Youth Ministry
Middle School Youth Group
High School Youth Group
Middle School After School Program
Middle School Sunday School
High School Sunday School
Middle School Bible Study
High School Bible Study
How can the leadership facilitate your getting connected in ministry and relationships at Covenant?