2025 National Coin Week Youth Activity (K-5)

Goal: To create a coin that reflects current day pop culture.

Role: Investigator and Artist

Audience: The U.S. Mint

Situation: Imagine you are asked by the U.S. Mint to design the newest coin related to pop culture. They give you the definition of pop culture as “things that are popular in society at a given time.” They need your expertise to help them design a coin for the year 2025.

Product: A coin design celebrating pop culture.

Task: Create a coin design by completing the following steps:
Look at examples of current pop culture coins by clicking through the following links:

Brainstorm your favorite pop culture thing or things (it could be a music group, cartoon, actor, etc.)

Design a coin, front and back (known as obverse and reverse), that represents your idea. Include the following information on the coin:

    - Design(s)/Images
    - Year
    - Denomination (How much the coin is worth)
    - At least one inscription (phrase)

Submit your design below.
Submission deadline is May 1, 2025.
  • Available to grades K-12.
  • (If applicable.)
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