Call for Presentations 2025
2025 NCHN Annual Educational Conference
April 15-17, 2025
Indianapolis, IN

Deadline for Submissions: Friday, November 15, 2024

The National Cooperative of Health Networks Association (NCHN) invites NCHN members, Strategic Partners and guests with an interest in health networks to submit proposals for presentations at our 2025 Annual Educational Conference. The conference is an opportunity for network leaders, staff, network board members, stakeholders and policy makers to network, learn, share and laugh.

We are seeking proposals in a variety of presentation formats that will provide attendees with robust discussions, exploration of strategies, sharing of tools and examples that lead to successes in networks. The target audience is network leaders.

1. Advocacy
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Cybersecurity Threats & Responses
4. Effective Health Network Decision Making
5. Flagship Programs & Services / Success Stories
6. Health Equity
7. Leadership Self-Improvement
8. Medicare Advantage
9. Revenue Cycle Trends
10. Rural Clinic Operational Improvement
11. Rural Healthcare Trends & Forecasting
12. Tapping Into Untapped Revenue Opportunities
13. Value Based Care
14. Workforce Solutions

Presentation Types:
Best Practice Showcase: Present a successful project, sharing keys to success and lessons learned.
Panel Discussion: Panelists sharing information on a specific topic with question and answers from the participants. Should be informative, fast paced, and interactive.
PechaKucha: A simple presentation where the presenter shows 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and the presenter talks along with the images. The presentation would be approximately 10 minutes, including any Q & A
Plenary: An informative, information sharing presentation. Includes take-aways for the participants and a Q & A period.
Rapid Fire: Information delivered in 5-15 minutes.
Small Group Discussion: Facilitate an interactive “think tank” discussion and report back to the entire audience on ideas and potential solutions or strategies
Ted Talk Format: Concisely presented topic in 18 minutes or less. If used, slides depict key information pictorially rather than provide an outline of the presentation.

Presentations Proposal Submission Process:
Proposals should be submitted electronically by November 15, 2024 using this on-line form.

The following components must be included in the proposal:
• Presenter(s) Name, Title, Organization, & Contact Information
• A recent picture of the presenter(s)
• Brief bio of presenter(s)
• Title of Presentation
• Identification of the Type of Presentation Format
• Two sentence description of presentation
• 1-2 paragraph presentation description, with learning objectives

The 2025 Annual Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to make final decisions on the selection of all presentations. Presentation applicants will be notified by January 20, 2025, of final selections. The 2025 Conference Planning Committee thanks you for your interest in our event!

Submission of a presentation proposal confirms that if selected, the presenter(s) agrees to:
• Understanding they are not being paid for delivering the presentation
• Be responsible for their own travel & lodging expenses
• Register & pay the conference registration fee

Questions? Please contact Linda Weiss at 217-549-4121 or by email at
  • About the Presenter(s)

    Please complete the information for the presenter. Please make sure that the email and the phone number are that of the presenter, as it will be used for future correspondence regarding the Conference.
  • Additional Presenters

    If you will have more than one presenter, please attach a file with the following information:

    Additional Presenter's Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Title, Organization

    A short bio and photo
  • About the Presentation

    Please complete all fields related to your presentation.
  • If you marked other, please tell us where/how you heard about our conference.
  • Procedures

    Submission of a presentation proposal confirms that if selected, the presenter(s) agrees to:
    • Understanding they are not being paid for delivering the presentation
    • Register & pay the conference registration fee

    The 2025 Annual Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to make final decisions on the selection of all presentations. Presentation applicants will be notified of final selections by January 20, 2025.

    Questions? Please contact Linda Weiss at 217-549-4121 or
  • Your signature below authorizes NCHN to utilize a copy of your presentation slides for distribution to conference attendees and NCHN members. If you wish to revoke permission, please click this revocation box.
  • Your signature below authorizes NCHN to utilize a photograph(s) of you for event marketing purposes. If you wish to revoke permission, please click this revocation box.
  • By signing and clicking submit, you are acknowledging the Procedures outlined above.
  • / /

    It may take a moment or two for the form to be processed and submitted if you attached documents or photos.

    After submitting, you will see a confirmation message. DO NOT CLOSE YOUR BROWSER until you see the confirmation message.