BNI GGT Director Chapter Visit Report
Chapter visit notes. This report is to be completed within 48 hours of your chapter visit.
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    This is the date you made the chapter visit.
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    Time must be entered if they were present for the meeting. Please enter 00:00 if the leader was absent from the meeting.
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    Time must be entered if they were present for the meeting. Please enter 00:00 if the leader was absent from the meeting.
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    Time must be entered if they were present for the meeting. Please enter 00:00 if the leader was absent from the meeting.
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    Time must be entered if they were present for the meeting. Please enter 00:00 if the leader was absent from the meeting.
  • Run the chapter roster report prior to your visit so that you can verify members in the room.
  • Run the chapter roster report prior to your visit so that you can verify members in the room.
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